Thursday, December 16, 2010

Top China Towns Letting Foreigners Lost Souls

What magic do these old towns have ? Letting foreigners lost their souls. Lijiang , as if straying into paradise; Yanan ,the place where started the new China

Lijiang : Utopia in Yunnan

Located in the northwest of Yunnan, Lijiang was misunderstood as a small river a few years ago. Now it is described as outstanding , and the United Nations has identified as the world’s historical and cultural town. In fact , early in the Ming and Qing dynasties , Lijiang is famous around the Central Plains. In Yuquan park , you will see the snow mountain never melting in the water when you look down the river. While looking up the mountain , it is the famous Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Time to time , you will hear the sound of wave coming from the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Walking on the small stone road, you will suddenly feel as if the East Jin Wuling people who has strayed into the utopia. You will only see scattered buildings with folk Naxi customs. Since far from the war and modern industry, it is a relatively well-preserved Ming dynasty temple . The Gold Water Bridge, Three Main Hall , and the splendid paintings in the wall form a giant and huge history.

Pingyao: The natural scenery for costume drama

In the last century, with the prosperous and complete commerce covering tickets number, banks, pawnshops ,medicine shops and other parts of all industries , Pingyao was famed as “ Little Beijing” then. Now ,after centuries of wind and rain washing away, only leaving the cold buildings in the town . Pingyao ancient town is the most complete ancient town existing, then it is selected as the world’s historical and cultural town by the United Nations. The moat is through arched gate and the open outside fieldwork. Under the tower , you will see the white house and brick tiles, and the pavements along the street. In fact , when many costume dramas are shooting here, the scenery is no need.

Yanan : Immortal Holy Land

Though it is a small place only with population of 20 millions, the history choose Yanan after 1935. Here lighting a spark, and soon after lighting to China. The Yanan Pagoda Hill became the place of pilgrimage for young man. Today, Yanan is also the most worthy of a place to go. Even though many people have known the light of Yangjialing, dance party of Wangjiaping, the history left in the Pagoda Hill , Fenghuang Hill and Qingliang Hill. In there , touch each piece of thick and pragmatic loess, passing the former residence and cave of the elderly gentlemen. You will realize what can not get elsewhere after thinking.

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