Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Border Check Reminder: Do not be deceived for digging visa online

With the growing popularity and development of Internet , apart from digging clothes, delicious foods online , you can dig visa to go abroad online now. However, the immigration inspection station in Tianjin said that you should pay attention carefully to distinguish the visa.
From the Tianjin entry immigration inspection station , it was formed that with the New Year approaching , it would face a new travel upsurge from the immigration. Our officials found that there were many fake visas which are received from the Internet.
In fact, the visa sellers on the Internet is mostly the online business travel agency ,some of the small agencies even don’t have their names. Their process of making visa is very simple , only you provide the original passport , personal identification information and 2-inch color photos, you should not have the face execution , after 1to 7 days , it will be successful. So convenient that many people are moved for it .
Does it has guarantee ? The entry and exit frontier inspection station of Tianjin said that it was not standardized of some business online . Important as an individual identity document , if you pass it to some uncomprehending companies , it is easier to steal your information then . Moreover , many countries and regions have an interview for the visa, it is likely to be deceived with the easy process. Reminded to the traveling public by the border authorities , you should select the excellent qualified travel agents to apply your visa to prevent the occurrence of identity theft , be refused entry to the county and other issues.

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