Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Better View of Ink Huangshan in Winter Tour

Under summer-route , having a winter tour is the trend in recent years. And Mount Huang which known all over the world is the great practice ground of tourism fashion. Used to seeing the blooming flowers of Mount Huang in spring and summer, would you want to see the winter Huangshan with rime all around the mountain and wrapped silver loaded? Collated the necessary winter mountaineering pack , then let’s go.

Three reasons to Mount Huang in winter:

1. Less people , quiet surroundings : The scenery that you see is absolutely not the views of people’s back in front of you .

2. Low cost: From Dec.1,2010 to Feb.28,2011, the ticket price become 150yuan per ticket from 230yuan. The rope-way fares also low to 65yuan from 80yuan . In addition , special groups will also be benefits: in school student, active duty soldier, minor and so on can enjoy the half price ticket with relevant documents. And there are many other discount for different groups.

3. There are beautiful winter snow and rime in winter , strange rocks appear more rugged due to snow covered on the rocks. Winter is the season when it will occur maximum sea of clouds .

Different style of Huangshan winter scenery:

As one of the most famous natural landscape , the scenic spots of Huangshan have been know all over the world. In contrast to the crowded season such as spring tour, fall camp and summer holiday , fewer people will choose to climb Huangshan in winter, which is actually a great regret . Compared to summer , the winter landscape of Huangshan is more worth seeing . After covered with snow, the mountains “squirrel”, “rooster”, “nintendogs” and “swan” have become “white mice”, “white chicken”, “white dog” and “white goose”. This is even more vivid and lifelike. Tens of thousands of Huangshan pine trees are becoming the “ice pine” which style is more charming.

Ice element bends in the beautiful scenery in winter Huangshan. For example, you can enjoy the charm of Yuping Peak only after wearing the ice jacket . Then the surrounded trees have become pieces of ice sculpture arts. In the noon , visitors can also listen to the sound of ice when it melt to fall to the ground . Together with the Spring and Fall Sound, Sea of Cloud Sound and Pine Wave Sound, they are famed as “Four Tones of Huangshan”. What’s more , you can hear only in winter tour of Huangshan.

Do not miss the three highlights:

Pines, rocks,clouds and rime are the most attractive wonders in Huangshan, in which the latter two are more likely to occur in the winter. Now climbing to Huangshan, sea of cloud, rime and sunrise are the most worth viewing.

The winter view of rime is the must-see scenery in winter tour. When the temperature drops to minus, the mist condensed on the branches of trees, then the formation of white loose ice are known as the “rime” or “tree hanging”. If you go to see Huangshan now or next month, the rate of encountering it will be rising. The North Sea , Jade Screen, Pine Valley , Cloud Valley and Hot Spring are the best points to see the rime scenery on Huangshan.

Following is the sea of clouds. Almost all the mountains, you can see the sea of clouds, however the sea of clouds of Huangshan is more distinctive . Strange pines and rocks that in the sea of clouds increased the sense of beauty. Since ancient times , the sea of clouds of Huangshan are known around the world . So it is also named as “Yellow Sea”. It is made up of the Former Sea, the Latter Sea, the Heaven Sea , the East Sea and the West Sea.

It has a different flavor to see the sunrise in winter Huangshan, normal people will choose the Cool Pavilion to see the sunrise and the Paiyun Pavilion for sunset . Some people tell me that it is better to see sunrise in the North Sea , and the Guangmingding is also a good choice.

Peripheral Attractions Recommend:

Huangshan Tangmo

Tangmo, it is the meaning of built by the mode in Tang dynasty. According to legend, there was a wealthy businessman of Xu Family . He built it for that his mother was too old to have a visit of the West Lake. The dutiful son spared no expense to dig ponds to breed in the village side of the mountain to simulate the lake views.

Scenic Guniujiang

Located in Qimen ,the hometown of red tea , the scenic Guniujiang is about 126 km from the center of Tunxi. The total area is more than 6700 hectares, the main peak owns the altitude of 1728 meters. It is not only preserved complex , fully functional natural ecosystems, which is called “ the Green Natural Museum”, the natural landscape is also original and simple . Setting “grand,dangerous, extraordinary,quiet,wild” in it . The Buddha Light is the wonder of the Scenic Guniujiang.

Stay in Huangshan

There are many hotels around Huangshan Scenic , however it is tight for rooms during the Spring Festival. What’s more , the hotels will close in turn ,then if you want to climb Huangshan in winter ,you should book rooms in advance. Meanwhile ,you can book rooms online , which can be cheaper and more convenient.


Diet in Huangshan belongs to Hui Cuisine. Hui cuisine is good at burning ,cooking methods, stewing ,steaming and paying attention to seasoning and heavy fire power. The “Street First Floor” is the representative of Hui cuisine. You can have a feast in there. Pay attention : the price of food is enormous between in the mountains and the foot of mountain. Then you should made a wisdom choice for your meals.


The first thing you should do is book room online. Because not every hotel are open in winter. The West Hotel is being decoration , and Paiyun Floor is close temporary now. Then you should arrange your transportation. For the good available airport , railway and bus , you would not worry about anything .

The choice of the equipment must do your work., you should not wear more clothes as a bear. Then you will climb the mountain difficulty. Best to wear waterproof pants, lightweight and loose will be ok. The important things are kettle and some little foods to eat because of the expensive things on the mountain. One guest ask me the choice of shoes, it is essential for paying attention it . Climbing mountain in winter , you should choose a good quality shoes for it .

And at last , you should pay close attention to the weather . Because the appearance of clouds and rime probability close to the weather . The best weather conditions will let you watch the wonders of rime in Huangshan.

1 comment:

  1. It is so beautiful and unique views in winter Huangshan , this winter , if you want to full your winter holiday . Ink Huangshan must be a wonderful choice.
