Sunday, December 12, 2010

Breathe Under the Snow

It is also a cold and windy winter, every this time , the south people always ask when snow in north, where to see the most beautiful snow . For those who enjoy the snow , the snow in Heilongjiang is no doubt the most pretty. The snow-mushrooms seems like ice cream and red lanterns watching the white snow , all the scenery will let you into the snow world. But it needs long way and full preparations for the northeast tour.

Compare to it , the Mulan Hunting Ground is more convenient , which is located 430 kilometers from Beijing. It is the best place to see and picture snow. The grassland, birch, hills, lakes , cattle and sheep are the rare photographic subjects. Rich and full screen, frozen lake covered with frost hay , this huge scenery will make people with high mood.

The reason why the locals call it the dam is that it is located in the junction of the Inner Mongolia Plateau, Loess Plateau and the North China Plain, around Beijing for semi-circle , as a dam. The criss-cross terrain is a collection of representative views of all the north. Flowers everywhere in spring, cattle and sheep flocks in summer, red forest in the autumn and winter snow all around in winter. When snow covers the entire fruitful prairie , we can still listen to the soft breathing of snow under the land.

It usually starts snow in November each year, until March next year. The average thickness of the snow can be more than 15 cm. Then the New Year Holiday is the best time to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

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