Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One Day Tour of Badaling Great Wall

Saturday July 10, 2010
Morning we were to meet the driver and the local guide Frank from China tours agency in the hotel lobby at 7am Saturday to head to The Great Wall with Frank. We were so happy that Frank took his Saturday to show us The Great Wall and other parts of Beijing. Frank is a newly wed and has been sent to Southern China on temporary assignment for 18 months. We were up bright and early got on our most comfortable climbing gear and heading downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was ok still very bland but at least they had some western food. Our drive took about one and half hours to get to the area of The Great Wall known as The Badaling area that we would climb. Our tour advisor from Online China Tours told us it is the most popular area to climb so we had better to be prepared for crowds.......... It rained the whole time we were driving we kept hoping it would stop. The rain was a mixed blessing because we were told if it was sunny, it would be unbearably hot since the Great Wall is where there is "clean air". Once we arrived to the parking area, Frank and the driver began to stop and talk to people that were milling around that seemed to know what was what. Somehow one of these gentleman sold Frank two umbrellas for the equilvant price of about $2.50 total. So we had our umbrellas and we set to begin. Frank told us that the tram was not working that day, so that we would just walk to the beginning. Didn't sound like a big deal to us. Rich and I thought we were going on a leisurely walk of the wall. We headed towards the area where we would buy tickets and rent head sets to give us the tour in English. About fifteen minutes later we arrived at our destination. Tickets bought, umbrellas up, head sets on....let's go. Frank led the way. Ok picture this you are on The Great Wall of China, amazing feeling but you cannot see two feet in front of you. The rain and fog are so thick. We begin our climb and it doesn't seem too tough, I look ahead through the clouds and honestly it looks like we are going to be walking straight up to the sky. The wall is beyond crowded picture a group of people leaving a sporting event one on top of each other, in the rain, in the clouds, with umbrellas. We came upon the first watch tower and took advantage of as much of the view as possible. This is great not so tough of a climb. Frank then proceeds to tell us that we only have seven more towers to climb before we reach the top. Mind you there are times where there are stairs that are at least 12 inches high for each step of which there are maybe 20 in group before you proceed to just a steep incline. We continue along this climb and I do mean climb for probably about a total of an hour an a half. At this time we are at the sixth tower. Frank says this is where the tram would have dropped us off ! Ok, I think Rich and I both wanted to jump or push Frank. He says, all the folks I have taken from the company ride the tram walk two towers walk back and take the tram down. Oh wonderful, so we are now setting records for the company visitors. Rich is already thinking about how many folks he can boast to. At this point the rain had let up some and we were resting along the wall or should I say panting and gasping along the wall, when this little Asian girl came up to Frank very excited. Frank translated that she would like to have her picture taken with us since Westerners are such a rarity in China. We were happy to oblige, heck gave me more time to catch my breath and rest my legs which now felt like noodles. Well a line began to form with people and cameras it was hilarious, after about three to four groups we were off again. After the inquiry from Top China Trip Frank told us not to worry, there was another means to get down the wall called a slide car which we would pick up at the sixth tower on the way down. Thank you, Thank you. Well we got to the seventh tower and there was a lock on the gate. Frank said, oh geeze they have closed the walk up to the top. I said to Rich, There is a GOD.. Well guess what, Frank found us a way around that tower because he said you are not a hero unless you get to the top. I asked Rich to remind me to kill him when we got back. So on we go to the eight tower we made it to the top now all we had to do was get down to the sixth tower and slide down the hill..yipee. Well Frank sees another way down the wall which is a lot less crowded so he "confirms" with some folks if this will take us down. Oh yes, it will take you down. I guess they should have said it would eventually take you down! As we begin to walk down this very steep I mean so steep you have to hold onto a rail with two hands and go sideways down I look in the distance and you guessed it....I see another tower in the sky. I say Frank, "Look ahead....he says OH NO ! Ok when the local says OH NO, you know you are in trouble you see we were now going on the south side of the wall it was less crowded because the other folks know that you go down the way you came up. As we continue to walk we hit about three more towers and Frank says I don't think this take us to the slide car. Really, do you think? By now, Frank is saying Oh Great Wall, when do you END. Not too long after, Frank yells I can see the ground. We had walked a total of three hours! Frank says, "Wow we made a big circle" I will hold back my excitement right now. My legs were about to fall off I was wet, tired, hungry and had to use the facilities. We got to the bottom and walked through an area full of people trying to sell you everything imaginable. There was a sign for toilets so Frank proceeded to pay for us to use the "toilets", I am not sure why they call a hole in the ground a toilet but I can only tell you I hope I never see this site again. I met Rich outside and he smiled and I did the same. I think we both have been scared for life. Now Frank calls the driver and I guess he cannot get to where we are so we walk another half hour to finally reach the car. I cannot tell you how happy we all were. Now off to get lunch and a "local" lunch spot. Oh I can hardly wait. After about an hours drive we are in downtown Beijing and we pull into a parking lot of a restaurant. As we walk through the large clear rubber door they yell something in Chinese which Frank says was to tell the staff, we were there. The restaurant appears to be almost a cafeteria looking place although they do have menus and once again Frank seems to order more food then we could possibly eat. Out comes all kinds of food which looked a little more like Western Chinese food and it didn't taste too bad. Rich was able to eat, as I pushed food around again because I could not get past the flies, and trash all over the floor. What I did taste was not too bad. I just hope I did not insult Frank with the whole bowl of noodles that was still in front of me. Frank then said we would cross the street to the Pearl Market. Rich had been there before on his prior visit and said it was loaded with reasonably priced merchandise. I swear they most have silent sirens that go off when Westerns enter this place, all of a sudden people were pulling me to their stalls. Frank explained to us that when they see Westerners they all want our business. He also said if we wanted to purchase anything we should go to the larger stalls, he said if they have more real estate they are better quality. Also the higher the floor the more prestigious the shop is. It was incredible. Rich bought himself a watch and I hope to get the courage to go back for a few handbags for my memory travel China trip.By this time it was around 5pm I was totally exhausted. So we said our good byes he grabbed a cab and the driver took us back to our hotel. Tomorrow is the Forbidden City private tour by ourselves...........pray!

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