Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hangzhou China

As a foreigner in China you can expect to have people taking pictures of you all the time. In the beginning, I cannot understand them, why they do like this? You know, nobody knows where the photos will go and who will save them and for what function. I even cannot beat that they treated us as something freak. I don’t like to perform before those strangers. I cannot be myself. Nobody treated me as a guest. I was just a tourist, one of the tourists. I wanted to shouted to them and asked them not do like that. But, my guide stopped me.

That happened in the last July. My daughters wanted to do something different on holiday. I came across Ben of Topchinatrip on their website, which concerns the private tour. He said their company was different from the traditional agency. Because we can contact with them when we were in our hometowns and they can make the itinerary for us and fix them all the time. I like it. When we have reached a consensus, I took my family to start our China tour. Everything seems smoothly; we arrived inland after long night’s dreaming.

I cannot acclimatize to the local life when I just reached there, especially taking photos. When I got to Hangzhou, I was surprised by the scenery. All the scenery just likes a big picture. When my daughters are playing in the side of the West Lake, I felt they both were the angles and they took me to the heaven.

I agree with the truth, Hangzhou is really a tourist resort. We rode through the tea villages and past the beautiful waterfalls. The tea tree in the ancient village was a legend, I think. Another legend is the Leifeng Pagoda. It was said that a Buddhist monk put someone who was a wife and mother in the pagoda. I cannot imagine about that.

At the point of enjoying the famous attractions, the people around us were still taking shots of us. I reall became annoyed. Our guide asked me to calm down. She told me that they were not laughing at me nor did something bad on me. They were very friendly. That was one kind of happiness. I cannot understand that, but I think maybe yes, because all of them taking with cute smile.

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