Friday, August 6, 2010

The Great Wall, Ming Tombs

Went on a booked china travel service today. The plan was the Great wall of China, and the Ming tombs, however a few other stops ended up in there somehow, all plugging things. We also went to a Vase making centre, a Jade factory, a tea ceremony, and a silk factory, all quite interesting.

Anyway the Great Wall was fantastic , as good as I imagined and more! It was early morning when we arrive so very, very cold, but also not packed with tourists. The part we visited was called Guyong Guan, which is the ‘Gate to Badaling’, it was very steep and like climbing a cliff face also with ice making it a very interesting climb. Laura made it further than me, the sheer height killed me off. All along the side of the wall were padlocks with red ribbon attached with the idea that you make a wish for good fortune and when the ribbon comes loose, however long it takes then you will have good fortune. Also there is a hero stone at the base, if you do not visit it then you will never be a hero, all Chinese leaders have to visit out of principle, now we have also so are both Hero’s. CAN YOU SAY THE SAME?? Dinner was a array of meats and rice and spring rolls, very good in our Beijing hotels Beijing Travel tour tucked in. , all of us on the

Next we went to the Ming Tombs and had a a great tour guide the buildings were great and had a secret burial site, also you could see all the other tombs, we went to the largest one. At this Tomb was a gate that as a man you walk throug both ways left foot first, as a woman, right foot first. When leaving you walk back through saying "im back" in chinese so that the Emperor wouldnt get you in the after life. In the evening we went to the most fancyiest restaurant i have ever been, called DaDong!! Renound for Peking Duck. We had a chef carve a fat reduced duck at our table, with all veg and spring rolls. Tomorrow, we will take the cheap beijing flights by China Eastern to the shanghai.

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