Friday, August 20, 2010

Chinese yummy food tour(Part l)

Shandong Cuisine

Shandong cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of Shandong, a large fertile peninsula in East China.
The cuisine is famous for its wide selection of material and use of different cooking methods.

A strong flavored cuisine relies upon spring onion sand garlic, featuring local plentiful seafood. Clear soups and dishes predominate. The raw materials are mainly domestic animals and birds, seafood and vegetables. The masterly
cooking techniques include quick frying, stewing, roasting, boiling, and crystallizing with honey.

As early as the Spring&Autumn Period, as the reason of the location bordered the sea, and the plains are fertile, they had abundant aquatic products and grains as well as sea salt. Local people stressed seasonings and flavorings since ancient times.

The most famous dish is the sweet and sour carp. In addition to sweet and sour carp, typical courses in the cuisine include braised abalone with shells, fried sea cucumber with fistulous onion, fragrant calamus in milk soup, quick-fried double fats and Dezhou stewed chicken, known throughout the country. The chicken is so well cooked that the meat easily separates from the bone although the shape of the chicken is preserved.

Guangdong Cuisine

Long, warm, wet days in Guangdong throughout the year create the perfect environment for cultivating almost everything.

Cantonese are known to have an adventurous palate, able to eat many different kinds of meats and vegetables and other
exotic ingredients. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Guangdong has become more prosperous, and it has developed
closer contacts with the hinterland.

As Western culture has been introduced, Guangdong cuisine has absorbed the cooking skills of the West as well as the cooking skills of other Chinese regions to develop its own unique methods. The most characteristic cooking methods are cooking in salt, cooking in wine, baking in a pan, and soft frying.

In addition, Guangdong is also well known for its dim sum, snack-like delicacies of savory and sweet buns, steamed meat with vegetable and pastries. Dim sum is usually served for breakfast and lunch.

Sichuan Cuisine

Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines known to the world. It is characterized by its spicy and
pungent flavors.

Sichuan cuisine, with a myriad of tastes, emphasizes the use of chili. Sichuan has been known as the land of plenty since
ancient times. While it does not have seafood, it produces abundant domestic animals, poultry, and freshwater fish and crayfish.

Sichuan cuisine is well known for cooking fish. Sichuan has high humidity and many rainy or overcast days. Hot pepper helps reduce internal dampness, so hot pepper was used frequently in dishes, and hot dishes became the norm in Sichuan cuisine.

Sichuan food has become the common food for most people in the area, especially since the dishes go well with rice. It can be said that one who doesn't experience Sichuan food has never reached China.

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