Sunday, August 8, 2010

Great Beijing Tours

I stayed at the 365 Inn which is opposite the Leo Hostel. The hostel was great, very clean, friendly staff and a washing machine available to use. Dorms had air con which was a bonus.

The food and drink was quite pricey at the hostel but but the food was very good, both Chinese and Western. They also served a decent cup of coffee. Beer cost 10 Yuan but it was cheaper to pop across to the Leo hostel where a large bottle of Tsing Tao was 5 Yuan.

The street Dashilan Diaje where the hostel was was a good place to eat, there was food for every budget, there were stalls selling stuffed pancakes and other snacks, cheapie restaurants with tables out on the street and smarter ones where you could sit inside.

There are nice bars up by Hou Hai lake but the prices will make you wince, 25 Yuan for a small beer if not more. But the setting is nice. Same applies to the club area around Choayang where you can haggle the beer price with the guys on the door if there are a few of you but they will bring you small bottles of not so nice beer.

The underground system is quick and easy but prepared to join in the pushing and shoving chinese style, quite liberating really, you can get away with behaviour you can only dream of in London!

I took a trip to the Secret Wall with Leo Hostel. We were taken to a deserted part of the wall, we were the only ones there. It was unrestored and a hot, hard trek up (about an hour) but worth it not to be surrounded by other tourists and hawkers.

To get away from the heat or rain visit the underground city, a warren of tunnels that run under Beijing out to the airport and the great wall. There are some cool photos in there and the guide who showed us round was a good laugh.

The Forbidden city was a disappointment as lots was shut for renovation including the Hall of Supreme Harmony so forget any Last Emporer moments as you walk through the gate and look accross the courtyard, you will see scaffolding. A lot of the buildings in the Temple of Heaven were also closed for rennovation so it is best to just get the park ticket and look at the few that are open from the outside. The park is great and you can watch people doing their exercises, fan dancing, Tai Chi etc.

If you are an early bird, or on your way home you can watch the raising of the flag in Tianamen Square at 5am. It is amazing how many people turn out for it.

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