Monday, August 16, 2010

What (not) to bring to China

Packing can be the most exciting and most painful part of any journey. This page exists in an effort to make it, at least in part, a bit simpler to decide what you need to bring with you, and what can be got without too much effort once you've arrived in China.

The section doesn't directly apply to those tourists or visitors who plan to spend the majority of their time in China completely surrounded by the Western-mimicking parts of Shanghai or Beijing. These are major international cities, and though still very "Chinese" in a lot of ways, they have adapted and largely cater to Western needs.

English literature can be a challenge to locate in China. This isn't to say that it isn't around; it's simply just not always easy to find in any amount of variety. Essentially, the only outlets that carry books in English are the chain bookstores in the larger urban centres. Even these often only stock a (sometimes edited for size/content) selection of the classics (Hemingway, Defoe, Shakespeare).

In the likes of Beijing, Shanghai and some other major cities, you will be able to find a healthy selection of the latest bestsellers - but if you want specific reading from a particular author or genre, this should be the first thing on your list of things to bring with you. It should be mentioned that success with online services such as Amazon and Chapters is not perfect, but available. You have to put your trust in the Chinese postal service though.

Unless they're of the Chinese variety, your chances of finding spices outside urban areas are next to none. Bring a supply of spices you like to cook with (basil, cumin, oregano, cinnamon, etc.).

This may seem a little silly, but you will be often asked about your hometown, your family and generally about the country you're from. This is especially true if you are teaching ESL, but is equally true of new friends, colleagues, classmates; and if nothing else, it may be the comfort you need when you start to feel homesick.

Ok, there's no shortage of clothing in China, and most of what you're wearing at the moment may be experiencing a homecoming when you get here, but one of the downsides of having a rather small middle-class population is that the clothing availability mirrors this fact of demographics.

There are lots of ultra-cheap clothes that might not fall apart before you get out of the shop with it, and there is a healthy collection of boutiques selling outrageously priced clothing to the upper-crust. Should you, like most of us, fall in the middle, you may wish to bring an assortment of clothes that you know fit, are comfortable and durable.

Another thing is that size can be a problem. If you are a bit husky or rather tall you will definitely want to devote as much luggage space as possible to clothes in your size. The same can be said about shoes, undergarments and socks.

Though you can get most
prescription medication over the counter in China without too much fuss, you may want to bring along some basic name-brand pharmaceuticals. Nyquil, stronger Tylenols, gut blockers, tenser bandages, Neosporin and anything else that could slip in your suitcase without taking up too much space.

AntiperspirantYou'll be able to find a small variety of pitstick, but if you have a preference of brand or scent you're not likely to find it in China. Asian genetics seem to have, for one reason or another, neglected the development of active sweat genes, which has traditionally made use of antiperspirant not a necessity. It's becoming more popular, but has a way to go yet, quickly illustrated on any cramped bus ride.

Oral HygieneHave no worries about toothpaste or a brush to stick it on, most major brands (Oral B, Colgate) are represented here in the Mainland at near every supermarket. Mouthwash, of any worth, is sometimes more difficult, but generally is largely available in the bigger stores. Dental floss is not as easy to find, and for the space it takes up, we recommend you throw a spool or two in your bag.

Perfume/CologneIt's available, but if you are hooked on a certain smell, bring it along. You'll run into a number of street vendors selling all the top name brands for extremely discounted prices - but if you want to smell of more than rubbing alcohol, stay away.

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