Sunday, June 27, 2010

Travel in China

We are in New Jersey home now. So we got an impressive journey in Beiijng , Xi'an, Chongqing Yangtze river cruise and ShanghaiTours. Jenny and I still cannot help talking to our neighbors our wonderful China journey. We are really appreciated your well organized plan, not even a trouble happened in our travel. Thanks for your work, arranged comfortable hotels and incredible time-running services. Oh, jenny still has a question, do you have the girl Susan’s e-mail or phone number, the local guide we met at the airport at the first day in Beijing. Jenny really loves talking with Susan, even in the marvelous Forbidden City; she still cannot stop gossiping with Susan. Hope this crazy old woman won't drive Susan crazy. Yangtze River cruise really gave an impression of China. We hearted the Three Gorges Dam before in US, but we thought it's not so wise to build this Dam. For the irreversible change to nature and local culture and people, and the Dam really cannot create that worth to we people. So that is also the reason I wanted you to add Three Gorges Dam in my itinerary. I want to see it with my own eyes. The fact is you, Chinese guys really did a great work, and we enjoyed this. Thank you Taylor, you and your company give great confidence in traveling China. Since I did reservation from, everything goes on as I wished. Hope we can enjoy another tour in the future.

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