Sunday, December 12, 2010

For Thank You

Dear Sophia,
I got home last night and one of the first thing that I desired to do was to write you and thank you for a wonderful China experience! I am so thankful that I selected your organization. I observed other tour groups while there and was thankful to be part of a group that was smaller! feel free to make use of me as a reference as I will gladly tell people of my experience.

The guides were great. I learned a lot. I thought were better than expected. they stopped at three factories with Tony, one with Lisa...that I keep in mind. While shopping was part of the experience, it was not much. There was no pressure from the guides. Shopping is part of travel and I was grateful for the stops I liked the local restaurants way over the places that catered to groups of tourists. The ones in Beijing were superb. It appeared like they travelled far to get to a few of the group places, especially in Shanghai.. The hotels are better than expected!!! The one in Shanghai was awesome.. but the others were fine as well .

I am happy to be served as a reference, in the event you want me to write something special, let me know.

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