What a great tour! Thank you for organizing! Everything worked smoothly and we enjoyed the sites, food and our guides.
All the meals were exceptional as was the atmosphere of most restaurants. Hard to choose one meal as the best - but perhaps the Peking duck. The guides did a nice job of ensuring that I was two times safe with my peanut allergy. Choice was great, but always much food - they felt guilty they couldn’t finish everything.
One recommendation - for meals when the travelers will be on their own, have the guides offer to provide recommendations if the traveler wishes. They didn’t think to do this in Beijing, but did in other cities, which permitted us to get excellent meals at a reasonable cost. I think this will enable your company to provide even better service.
All the drivers were professional and had nice cars. The driver in Beijing appeared the friendliest and most professional, but perhaps that was because they were with them longer. The guide and driver coordinated nicely to drop us off and pick us up in different locations.
Our favourite guide was Miller, our guide in Datong/Pingyao, who was friendly, knowledgeable and open. Miller was knowledgeable and provided a lot of insight in to the history of various sites. In addition, Miller was open to discussing all aspect of Chinese culture, economy, etc, which is fascinating to someone who has never been to China before. In addition, Miller is also fluent in French. Miller also provided excellent cheap recommendations for meals when they were on our own. Overall, Miller was an excellent guide and I hope you continue to work with him.
Overall, the tour was great. The guides and drivers in each city coordinated nicely to make everything run smoothly. In addition, the guides ensured that I did not experience any issues from my extreme peanut allergy - I felt safe with them.Whenever we are in China next, we are sure to make use of your service.
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